воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

falling arches feet

She stalked towards her prey, salivating at the thought of ripping into the succulent flesh. He was doomed, but he didnapos;t know that yet. His eyes darted furtively from side to side as she crouched low in the bushes. Suddenly something went wrong, the man stiffened and she saw the whites of his pupils dilate rapidly with fear. A breeze brushed her hair across her face, damn Heapos;d caught her scent. There was no time to plan this out, she would have to act now.

In silence she sprung up from the den and threw herself forward onto the manapos;s back, her long powerful legs wrapping around his torso. The smell of blood was overpowering and without hesitation she sunk her teeth deep into his neck while the man struggled frantically. She dragged her nails deep over his skin untill she heard the second yelp of pain and felt his body go still. Feeling the manapos;s heart beating double time she began to suckle the deep cut across his carotid. The usual quivering began, the bittersweet tang hitting the back of her throat. Sensing the manapos;s knees were beginning to buckle, she unwrapped her legs and, as he collapsed, laid him gently across the mossy bank.

He whimpered and cried out but they both knew it was too late, his very life essence was slipping away. Round-about now his limbs would be going numb, she knew.�As she nestled closer against his tousled hair, she stroked his forehead, soothing his pitiful�movements. Abruptly his eyes widened and, through the haze, he gained the strength�to pull the vampire close, her cold skin embracing his own flushed membrane. Then, just as she was licking the last drops from his body, he went limp.

She easily released herself from his grip and stood looking down at his prone figure. She gave a quick, sharp kick but nothing happened. Satisfied, she turned round and strode away from the isolated clearing. She would not need to feed again for a fortnight if she chose.

Later, sitting on the last bus out of town she noticed a particularly healthy looking girl staring at her. Removing the small silver compact in her purse she observed her features - a small red stain was smeared on her chin. apos;How sillyapos;, she admonished herself. She pulled out a dry wipe and removed the incriminating evidence. She did so hate extra work.

The next morning, staff noticed that one of the buses had never reached its destination. Less than thirty minutes later, the bus was found. All twenty seven passengers had had their necks broken, the driver had disappeared.
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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

bare foot hart joan melissa

Inspiration, willingness

throw yourself on me

I will cover myself with pretty things if yoursquo;d spread your legs

for just one day.

Fertile are your loins, let us make lives on this canvas

full of mystery, desire, and beauty

this pen and ink yoursquo;ve left me

letter after letter I write you

in hopes of just one requited return.

I catch wisps of your dress between my fingers with each line I mark.

I can almost hear your lust-whispers "Irsquo;ll never leave you" (lies)

Even as you drift away.

But Irsquo;ve caught you by surprise, my favorite of tactics.

And somehow I know you wish to leave too soon, but Irsquo;ve trapped you here

Within these words, this imagery,

and for the moment you are mine and I am yours

and poetry is spun from these unspoken golden words

letters wonrsquo;t be wasted to you with no returns

for awhile yet, yoursquo;ll stay with me

and my longing for you wonrsquo;t have to burn.

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boys meet boys

I attended a meeting this morning at the town hall of one of the southeast London local authorities. Invited to this meeting was other organisations like the one I currently am employed by, who do similar types of work but for different types of vulnerable populations, as well as representatives of the local authority who funds all of those organisations.

The purpose of this meeting was to discuss matters related to service provision, any current trends or issues, and more generally to share good practice.

When it came to the councilapos;s apos;Programme Updateapos; item on the agenda, the council representatives talked about, amongst other things, their current strategic priorities (read: where there are looking at sinking a load of _your_ dosh in the very near future).

And at the top of this list of priorities, apparently, are chaotic substance users "who are either unable or unwilling to stop using substances". More specifically, they reported the council is eager to purchase services for people who are in danger of losing a tenancy and/or of becoming homeless as a direct result of their alcohol use (other substances too, but the focus seemed to be on the drink).

The group was told there have already been many a strategic meeting between the local authority, the LAapos;s housing department and the local PCT (read: already spent lots of _your_ money on paper, tea biscuits) on ways to support this "chaotic and vulnerable group". We were told how together theyapos;d explored such options as assertive outreach, daily one-to-one support and even budgeting and personal assistance, accompanying individuals to the shops to purchase "a few cans in the morning, and a few cans in the afternoon".

Life spent in a drunken stupor with a free house, someone else worrying about paying the bills, a care assistant to do all the cooking cleaning (and even ass-wiping), and a personal assistant to pick up your juice when youapos;re too "vulnerable" to do it yourself.

Where do I sign up?

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

esther wong

It makes me sad that i had to roll out of bed at 7:30 this morning in order to go turn in a ground plan at 9:30 and then weapos;re done with class.� i mean, itapos;s nice, but i donapos;t like having to get up for class if i donapos;t have to.

i slept really well last night.� went to bed around 11:30 and got up at 7:30.� i got a good nights sleep for once and for the 2nd time this week i woke up with my alarm.� and i actually went to bed at a decent hour for once.� the past few nights iapos;ve been staying up way later than iapos;ve wanted to.� my sleep schedule has just been really weird the past couple of weeks.� i dunno why.

watched the debate last night.� it was actually a really good debate.� they covered topics that theyapos;ve hardly covered, it was nice to hear what they had to say.� and my decision has been finalized.� and iapos;m super excited to go vote now.

i need to check my mail.� itapos;s been several days since iapos;ve checked it, and iapos;m sure theres stuff in there that i need to look at.

my box that my parents are sending me should get here tomorrow.� iapos;m excited about that.� i love when they send me stuff.� itapos;s mostly stuff that i need and that i left at home, because i tend to do things like that.

i got all of my Montana photos up on Facebook if anyone wants to go have a look see.� i need to go add captions to them and rotate a few and tag Alex in one.� lol.

oh i just remembered, i have to go make a sign-up sheet for people to sit at the "Somethingapos;s Afoot" table next week.� guess i should go do that

know what?� i didnapos;t ever actually eat dinner last night.� i never actually got hungry.� well, i did have a few peanuts and rasins around 11 or so, and i had cough drops too, but i know cough drops wouldnapos;t fill me up like that.� and i hadnapos;t eaten since 11, when i had leftover pizza from the night before.� but i know that wouldnapos;t keep me full that long.� and essentally thats all i had to eat yesterday.� which is not good, but when youapos;re not hungry..iapos;m gonna have some soup for lunch when it comes time for lunch, and then i still have some leftover dadapos;s special roast that needs eaten, so i think i have that for dinner.

anyways, stuff to do.

esther wong, esther wolfe, esther wolf houston, esther wolf.

debbie boone photos

They donapos;t know what theyapos;re talking about and they think that school grades are everything. And they think that intelligence is defined by your GPA. These people are usually not the same people who HAVE�the high GPAs or SAT�scores or whatever. But sometimes they are one and the same, and then they would believe that they were destined to go to an Ivy League school or they were somehow guaranteed a space in a top college, which annoys me, because they have great grades but absolutely nothing else. Am I�being a little bit too arrogant or hypocritical?

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dachshunds miniature utah

Seven couples on the roster this evening:

Stygian (6th gen alt-black) x Clandestine (1st gen white)
Narcissism (1st gen silver) x Sanguine (5th gen red)
Ennui (4th gen black) x Apophenia (6th gen white)
Cataclysm (3rd gen magi) x Forlesing (3rd gen black)
Jeremiad (3rd gen water) x Sybarite (4th gen silver)
Peripheral (4th gen skywing) x Stratagem (3rd gen pink)
Zenith (7th gen fog) x Boomerang (2nd gen black)

Not necessarily in that order.

Comment if youapos;re interested in anything specific.
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exit real estate results + longwood

While Iapos;m waiting for my brain to provide me with the appropriate words to describe our honeymoon, Iapos;ll throw in a place-holder in the form of
Five Movies You Should Totally See If You Havenapos;t, And Then We Should Discuss Them, Because That Would Be Cool. This was inspired by a post on my friends page and my difficulty with limitations.

American Dreamer
Ghost Dog (The Way of the Samurai)
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Everything is Illuminated
Thomas est Amoureux
(Thomas In Love is the English title)

These are a few of my favourite things...
exit real estate results + longwood, exit real estate results, exit real estate result, exit real estate quebec.