воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

falling arches feet

She stalked towards her prey, salivating at the thought of ripping into the succulent flesh. He was doomed, but he didnapos;t know that yet. His eyes darted furtively from side to side as she crouched low in the bushes. Suddenly something went wrong, the man stiffened and she saw the whites of his pupils dilate rapidly with fear. A breeze brushed her hair across her face, damn Heapos;d caught her scent. There was no time to plan this out, she would have to act now.

In silence she sprung up from the den and threw herself forward onto the manapos;s back, her long powerful legs wrapping around his torso. The smell of blood was overpowering and without hesitation she sunk her teeth deep into his neck while the man struggled frantically. She dragged her nails deep over his skin untill she heard the second yelp of pain and felt his body go still. Feeling the manapos;s heart beating double time she began to suckle the deep cut across his carotid. The usual quivering began, the bittersweet tang hitting the back of her throat. Sensing the manapos;s knees were beginning to buckle, she unwrapped her legs and, as he collapsed, laid him gently across the mossy bank.

He whimpered and cried out but they both knew it was too late, his very life essence was slipping away. Round-about now his limbs would be going numb, she knew.�As she nestled closer against his tousled hair, she stroked his forehead, soothing his pitiful�movements. Abruptly his eyes widened and, through the haze, he gained the strength�to pull the vampire close, her cold skin embracing his own flushed membrane. Then, just as she was licking the last drops from his body, he went limp.

She easily released herself from his grip and stood looking down at his prone figure. She gave a quick, sharp kick but nothing happened. Satisfied, she turned round and strode away from the isolated clearing. She would not need to feed again for a fortnight if she chose.

Later, sitting on the last bus out of town she noticed a particularly healthy looking girl staring at her. Removing the small silver compact in her purse she observed her features - a small red stain was smeared on her chin. apos;How sillyapos;, she admonished herself. She pulled out a dry wipe and removed the incriminating evidence. She did so hate extra work.

The next morning, staff noticed that one of the buses had never reached its destination. Less than thirty minutes later, the bus was found. All twenty seven passengers had had their necks broken, the driver had disappeared.
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